A Summer of Transformation


"A fresh start, a new beginning, the next chapter, an opportunity for growth."

– by Jeremie Hughes

If you’ve ever been in a place where you are unsure of who you are, where you see uncertainty in your future; camp is the place to go. I’m a dreamer, visionary, and enthusiastic guy who loves adventure. I enjoy being with people, but I also cherish my private time. When I was fifteen, I was struggling.

I was unsure of what I would pursue in life; uncertain of who I was.

It’s common for high school students to feel the paramount pressures from society to “figure their life out” and plan each detail of their life. When it comes to this time of life, summer camp is a breath of fresh air.

I can remember my first summer as staff back in 2011. When I first stepped into the camp atmosphere, it was a tad overwhelming. It was the hardest, most rewarding two months of my life. I stepped into a new situation, atmosphere, culture, and experience without any real expectations.

I tried new things, was challenged to go beyond my comfort zone and received ample amounts of encouragement along the way. Each and every year, for the last seven years, something drew me back to camp. It was the life and energy there, but most of all, it was the Spirit of God.

Circle Square Ranch is a safe-haven. I spent the most vulnerable, pivotal summers of my life at camp. Each summer God had something new, fresh, and exciting for me. I grew year after year.

Have you ever led a team on an adventure, told a story to a group of kids as they focus in on every word, laughed until you cried, cried until you laughed, or been told that you’ve changed a life? These are the types of things you get to be part of as a staff member at camp. I had a team of leaders surround me, filling me with encouragement, inspiration, and motivation. I’ll never forget these precious moments from my years as staff at Circle Square Ranch Big Clear Lake.

CSR Big Clear Lake is a place where as you open yourself up to be transformed, you find yourself playing a role in the transformation of others. You don’t need to fit into a cookie cutter personality, rather you get to experience many diverse people come together and build into one another.

A fresh start, a new beginning, the next chapter, an opportunity for growth.

Camp isn’t about the program, it’s about people. Camp builds strong, resilient people. I stepped in unsure and came out confident. I encourage you to take a step and trust God with the details.

Jeremie first attended Circle Square Ranch through our scholarship program in 2004 and later returned to join our staff team in 2011. He was born and raised in Ottawa where he graduated from Gloucester High. It was at the Ranch that he became passionate about his faith and began seeking more of what God had for his life. Jeremie is now pursuing a Bachelor of Theology at Master’s College and Seminary in Peterborough, ON. His plan is to be in full time Pastoral Ministry as well as focus on church planting.

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