We are inviting University and College students to take a week to dive deep into the book of Revelation. What does Scripture have to say about the spiritual realities all around us? About how we can stay true to Jesus in a culture that is urging us to worship the gods of power, success, individualism and tribalism? And about God's ultimate plan and promise for our world? Come and see friends. Come and see!
What better way to explore these questions than with your firends, surrounded by 360 acres of God's glorious creation. It's going to be a party that you don't want to miss.
Spend a week diving deep into Scripture with other college and university students from Eastern Ontario. Each day will include inductive Bible Studies led by experienced facilitators, times of prayer and reflection, and opportunities to hear God’s word preached. Throughout the week there will be times of worship and personal prayer ministry that will be available. This year we will study the book of Revelation, a letter written to people under great pressure to conform to the culture around them. This book pulls back the curtain on the spiritual realm, revealing the eternal truths behind the physical world around us and calling us to put our hope in Jesus, the slain lamb with all power and authority.
Early bird rate: $380 plus tax, ends February 28th, 2025.
If you’ve never been to Scripture Camp (formally titled ‘MarkCamp’), you should sign up for the Mark 1 track. If this is your second time attending a Scripture Camp, please sign up for the Mark 2 track. And finally, if you’ve somehow managed to make it to 2 Scripture Camps before the pandemic took over and you’ve completed the whole book of Mark… then you, my friend, are invited to join the Genesis track. We’ll be asking the big questions: Who is God? Is he good? Why did he create us? What does it mean to be in relationship to God, the land, each other and within ourselves? This is an equally excellent opportunity.